

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Retailers are slashing iPhone prices across China as consumers say the phones aren't worth the cost

· Apple's latest iPhone models are seeing huge discounts from retailers in China.

· The technology giant recently revised its first quarter sales forecast downward, putting a large part of the blame on a slowdown in the Chinese market.

· Experts said a mixture of a poor pricing strategy and a lack of exciting features compared to local rivals like Huawei has led to the newest iPhones' weak performance in China.

背景:当地时间2019年1月2日,苹果公司下调了2019财年第一财季的营收预期,引发股价暴跌。2019年1月11日,京东Apple自营旗舰店下调iPhone8/8 plus价格,与苹果官网价差超过千元。同时,苏宁等其他经销商渠道上的多款iPhone也呈现大幅降价的趋势。

Apple's latest iPhone models are facing huge discounts in China as retailers try to sell the struggling devices.

That comes as the top-of-the-line Apple smartphones have posted poor China sales on what experts say are too-high prices for the world's largest smartphone market and a lack of innovative features compared to local competitors like Huawei. The technology giant itself acknowledged earlier this month that unexpectedly low sales in the Chinese market would likely lead to worse-than-anticipated first quarter revenues.


表示“发布,公布,宣布(利润/损失等)”,英文解释为“to officially record and announce information about a company’s financial situation or a country’s economic situation”,举个🌰:

Cisco Systems posted record profits and sales for the third fiscal quarter.



top-of-the-line或者top-of-the-range,表示“(产品)顶级的,最昂贵的,最好的,最高端的”,英文解释为“used for describing something that is the most expensive in a group of similar products”,如:a top-of-the-line Mercedes 一辆顶级奔驰车

One of the most recent iPhone cost cuts in the country came from Suning, a large Chinese retailer, which changed the price of the 128GB version of the iPhone XR from 6,999 yuan ($1,036) to 5,799 yuan ($858) — a 1,200 yuan ($178) discount.

苏宁官网显示:iPhone XR(128G) 到手价¥5799

Other third-party sellers on the site had the devices for even cheaper, offering flash sales to try to unload iPhones. One seller had a 256GB version of the iPhone XS Max, Apple's most premium device, for 9,699 yuan ($1,436), way below the U.S. firm's official selling price of 10,999 yuan ($1,628) for that smartphone. Still, that remains more expensive than in the U.S., where the same phone would sell for $1,249, according to the Apple website.

flash sale

表示“限时抢购;快闪销售;限时特卖;闪电促销”,英文解释为“a very short period of time when a store sells products at much lower prices than usual”,举个🌰:A reduction in consumer spending has caused some stores to hold occasional flash sales, lasting just one day.


本义是指“卸下(货物),除去(内容物),从(枪)中退出子弹;从(相机)中取出胶卷”(to remove the contents of something, especially a load of goods from a vehicle, the bullets from a gun or the film from a camera),此处表示“把(非法或不是很好的东西)脱手,抛售;倾销”,英文解释为“to get rid of some­thing illegal or not very good by selling it quickly”,举个🌰:

Investors continued to unload technology stocks yesterday.


也可以指“倾诉,吐露;发泄”,英文解释为“to express strong feelings, especially anger, to someone when you are extremely upset”,举个🌰:

I've been unloading my worries on poor Jane here.


And that's just on one site. Other retailers in China are also putting their iPhones on sale. Sunion, an Apple re-seller, was advertising 700 yuan off for both the 128GB and 256GB versions of the iPhone XR. E-commerce site Pinduoduo, which allows third-parties to sell products, also had hefty discounts across all of the latest iPhone models.


表示“(尤指金钱)大量的,巨额的”,英文解释为“a hefty amount of something, especially money, is very large”,如:a hefty fine 巨额罚款。

也可以指“高大健壮的;笨重的”(big and heavy),如:a tall hefty man 一个高大健壮的男人;以及“用力的,重重的”(a hefty blow, kick etc is done using a lot of force),如:a hefty shove 一记猛推。

Apple's issues in China are down to two major factors, experts and local consumers say: It got its pricing wrong, and it has failed to introduce features to excite consumers in a forward-thinking technology market. Now, analysts said, competitors have taken market share in the premium smartphone space.

be down to sb/sth

表示“ 是某人/某事的结果,归因于某人/某事”,英文解释为“to be the result of one person’s actions or one particular thing”,举个🌰:

His success is all down to him.




· 定价策略有问题

· 产品缺乏新特性




Apple remains one of the biggest and most powerful companies in the world. And iPhone sales remain its most important metric. So when iPhone sales slump in China, it means billions of dollars lost. And it rattles markets across the world. These are the three big factors dragging down Apple in China.

Three big factors behind Apple's dire warning about China


表示“(价格、价值或数量)暴跌,骤降”,英文解释为“to suddenly go down in price, value, or number”,举个🌰:

Sales slumped by 15% last year.



soar表示“猛增,骤升”(to increase quickly to a high level),举个🌰:

The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.



表示“使慌乱,使紧张”,英文解释为“to make someone lose confidence or become nervous”,举个🌰:

His mocking smile rattled her more than his anger.


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